What Lawrence Block Loves To Read

Long ago I read a lot of Lawrence Block’s mystery novels. As tastes changed, I moved on to other writers and other genres. Recently I’ve rediscovered him and I am falling in love again with this older mysteries and really liking his newer works. Over on his blog, he posted this:


I don’t know why anyone would care, but I get that question often enough to gather that you do. While I’ll probably continue to mumble something evasive in public, we’re private here, right? I mean, it’s the Internet, for heaven’s sake. Our privacy is guaranteed.

So let’s go. I’ll stick largely to dead authors, in order to avoid offending the unmentioned living. What follows is in no particular order. I’ve supplied links for those books that are in print, but the others shouldn’t be too hard for you to track down. I know my readers, and y’all are a resourceful lot…”

Why would anyone care? Rolling my eyes here, Mr. Block. The hunt for good books to read is never ending. What better way to hunt than to follow the trail of a master? On his list are many writers I’ve read, but there are a few I’ve never tried. I think I shall have to give them a shot.

Check out his list of favorite writers here.



2 responses

  1. LB has become one of my new faves. His stories are engrossing. Can’t stop reading until The End.

  2. I know. I have such a crush on LB. I used to subscribe to Writers Digest. The first thing I turned to was his column. After he stopped writing for them, I let my subscription lapse. Coincidence? I think not.

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